

Join WSNA PAC and help grow nurses’ voices in Olympia today!

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What is WSNA PAC?

The Washington State Nurses Association Political Action Committee (WSNA PAC) is fueled by individual nurses and others whose goal is to use the political process to improve the nurse’s role in the health care delivery system. WSNA PAC supports candidates on both sides of the aisle who support nurses.

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What does WSNA PAC do?

The mission of the WSNA PAC is to serve as the political voice for nursing in Washington state. WSNA PAC is run by a Board of Trustees who are appointed by the WSNA Board of Directors.

WSNA PAC endorses and donates to state legislative candidates running for office. The more funding WSNA PAC has, the greater the influence it can have on state elections by donating money to candidates who genuinely support nurses. Please donate today and help grow the voice of nurses influencing policy in Olympia.

How can I support?

By investing in the WSNA Political Action Committee, we can help elect individuals who truly support nurses. If just 10% of the more than 100,000 nurses in Washington state gave $5 a month, we could raise over $600,000 annually.

Join us in amplifying the voices of nurses in Olympia. Your contributions help us support candidates who prioritize nursing and healthcare issues.

How does WSNA PAC decide who to endorse and support?

The WSNA PAC Board of Trustees conducts research on and vets candidates pursuing the WSNA PAC endorsement. The trustees evaluate a candidate’s history of supporting nurses and labor issues. In the case of incumbents, the trustees evaluate their past voting records. The trustees also consider the political viability of a candidate, their fundraising capabilities, and their written responses to the WSNA PAC questionnaire. Candidates who meet this criterion are interviewed by the trustees. Final decisions on endorsements are made by a majority vote of the trustees.

Which races does WSNA PAC weigh in on?

WSNA PAC currently only weighs in on state legislative races and a few select statewide races such as Governor and Attorney General. The WSNA PAC does not endorse in any national, city or county council races, or in other local elections such as issues campaigns or initiatives. WSNA’s national political engagement happens through our affiliates at the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). As WSNA PAC grows, we will likely have more opportunity to engage in other elections. We must allocate our resources to races that have the greatest impact on issues related to nursing in Washington state and that is at the state legislative level.

What is the process for a legislative candidate to seek WSNA PAC endorsement?

Deadlines for submission of the questionnaire vary depending on the election year and events happening around it, but essentially should be prior to the Washington State Labor Council’s semi-annual COPE convention. Please email for specific deadline or other questions.

Assuming the questionnaire is completed and sent back to us by the deadline, the Trustees and staff will set up and hold an interview with the candidate(s). As a reminder of WSNA PAC policy, we only endorse state legislative races and a few select statewide offices. We do not endorse city or county council races, national or issues related campaigns. Please see policy above for reference.

2024 Questionnaire

All state legislative, gubernatorial, and attorney general candidates wishing to seek the WSNA PAC endorsement for the upcoming 2024 elections should complete the above form “WSNA PAC 2024 Candidate Questionnaire” as soon as possible and return to Sami Bailey, Political Advocacy Specialist. WSNA PAC will hold candidate interviews for those seeking WSNA PAC endorsement beginning the week of March 18, 2024.

Who has WSNA PAC endorsed in the past?


From the WSNA PAC bylaws:

WSNA PAC is a voluntary, unincorporated non-profit organization of individual nurses and others whose primary concern is the improvement of the nurses’ role in the health care delivery system through the political process. The organization shall be politically non-partisan and shall operate in conformity and compliance with the policies and platforms of the American Nurses Association and the Washington State Nurses Association and in compliance with Washington state campaign financing law in Title 42 RCW.

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