
Strategic priorities

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WSNA’s strategic prior­i­ties and objec­tives focus the association’s resources on priority goals that advance our mission of providing leader­ship for the nursing profes­sion and promoting quality health care.

Our vision

We believe that all Washington residents will achieve optimal health when we work to ensure that all commu­ni­ties have access to safe, quality health care, public health, and environ­mental justice.

Champion safe staffing

WSNA will use innovative modalities to educate on staffing laws and prepare nurses to speak publicly to inform communities on the importance of safe staffing. We will strengthen contract language on staffing and address the links between unsafe staffing and workplace violence. We will collect and analyze data to identify the successes of and barriers to implementation of the 2023 staffing law.

Strengthen our political presence and impact

WSNA will increase member involvement in political and legislative activities to build nurses’ power. We will advocate for public policy that improves nursing practice, nurses’ working conditions, and workplace safety while supporting efforts to improve access to safe, quality and equitable care. We will strive to increase resources available to the WSNA Political Action Committee and facilitate members’ access to policy makers, engaging key legislators and other stakeholders. We will work to have more nurses elected and appointed to public office.

Increase organizational vitality and growth

WSNA will foster a culture of transparency while optimizing resources, effective use of staff, and financial stewardship. We will increase our financial and operational efficiency, enhancing financial performance to ensure long-term sustainability and growth. We will focus on continued membership expansion through organizing, recruitment, and retention while developing leaders with a particular focus on historically underrepresented groups.

Increase engagement and involvement in the Washington labor movement

Building on nurses’ collective power as the most trusted profession, WSNA will strengthen collaboration with our labor partners and foster connections with central labor councils. We will work to increase members’ understanding of the labor movement and WSNA’s role in it.

Advance a culture of inclusivity in nursing

WSNA will boldly embrace our commitment to antiracism. We will strive to reduce systemic racism and to achieve a more diverse nursing workforce that reflects the communities we serve. We will develop and engage internal affinity groups while strengthening and expanding our ties with specialty and labor organizations advocating for diversity, equity, inclusivity, belonging, and justice.