
Affiliations and partners

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American Nurses Association (ANA)

ANA logo

The American Nurses Associ­a­tion is the premier organi­za­tion repre­senting the inter­ests of the nation’s 4 million regis­tered nurses.

ANA advances the nursing profes­sion by fostering high standards of nursing practice; promoting a safe and ethical work environ­ment; bolstering the health and wellness of nurses; and advocating on health care issues that affect nurses and the public. ANA is at the forefront of improving the quality of health care for all.

Founded in 1896, and with members in all 50 states and U.S. terri­to­ries, ANA is the strongest voice for the profes­sion of nursing.


AFT Nurses and Health Professionals

AFT logo

WSNA’s affil­i­a­tion with AFT Nurses and Health Profes­sionals enhances the power of nurses to advocate for quality patient care, profes­sional standards and improved working condi­tions. It also gives WSNA national AFL-CIO affil­i­a­tion.

AFT Nurses and Health Profes­sionals repre­sents nearly 200,000 health profes­sionals and is he second-largest nurses union in the AFL-CIO. AFT has engaged in several multi-union initia­tives on issues of impor­tance to members, including advocating for safe staffing and safe lifting, addressing the growing problem of workplace violence and ensuring that school children have enough nurses to adequately care for their needs.

Washington State Labor Council

Wslc logo

Widely consid­ered to be the ​“voice of labor” in our state, the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, repre­sents and provides services for hundreds of local unions throughout Washington state.

The WSLC’s core programs are legisla­tive advocacy, polit­ical action, commu­ni­ca­tions and media relations, plus assis­tance with organizing campaigns.

Currently, there more than 600 local unions affil­i­ated with the WSLC, repre­senting approx­i­mately 550,000 rank-and-file union members working in our state. The WSLC is the largest labor organi­za­tion in our state and is the only organi­za­tion repre­senting all AFL-CIO unions in the state.



The American Feder­a­tion of Labor and Congress of Indus­trial Organi­za­tions (AFL-CIO) is the democ­ratic, volun­tary feder­a­tion of 55 national and inter­na­tional labor unions that repre­sent 12.5 million working men and women.

The AFL-CIO works tirelessly to improve the lives of working people, including ensuring all working people are treated fairly, with decent paychecks and benefits, safe jobs, dignity and equal opportunities.

The AFL-CIO advances legis­la­tion to create good jobs and advocates for strength­ening Social Security and private pensions, ensuring fair tax policies, and making high-quality, afford­able health care avail­able to all.

They help make safe, equitable workplaces and give working people a collec­tive voice to address workplace injus­tices without the fear of retal­i­a­tion. And, the AFL-CIO fights for social and economic justice and strives to vanquish oppres­sion in all its forms.

Washington Center for Nursing

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The Washington Center for Nursing (WCN) is the nonprofit statewide nursing organi­za­tion whose goal is building a diverse, highly qualifi­ed nursing workforce to support a healthier Washington. WSNA Execu­tive Director David Keepnews, PhD, JD, RN, FAAN sits on WCN’s Board of Directors.

Nursing Students of Washington State

NSWS logo

NSWS is the only statewide student nursing associ­a­tion in Washington state, dedicated to the advance­ment of nursing educa­tion in order to promote the highest standards and best practices for nursing students in the state of Washington.

Nursing Students of Washington State is the state chapter of the National Student Nurses Associ­a­tion and an indepen­dent organi­za­tion supported in part by the Washington State Nurses Association.

Washington State Nurses Foundation

Wsnf logo

The Washington State Nurses Founda­tion (WSNF) supports the nursing profes­sion in Washington state by funding nursing schol­ar­ships and providing finan­cial assis­tance to nurses in need.

Since its incep­tion in 1982, WSNF has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in schol­ar­ships to nurses and nursing students enrolled in commu­nity colleges, baccalau­reate and advanced degree programs in all corners of Washington state. By helping nurses advance their educa­tion, WSNF donors help encourage nurse recruit­ment, diver­sify the nursing profes­sion, and improve nursing care and the health of our communities.

Organizational affiliates

The WSNA Board of Direc­tors created the organi­za­tional affil­iate program to bring together the exper­tise and voices of nursing. Together, we more effec­tively advocate for the varied needs of nurses and the future of the profession.

The WSNA Board grants organi­za­tional affil­iate status to organi­za­tions of regis­tered nurses that meet certain criteria, including having a formal organi­za­tional struc­ture and estab­lished formal goals. Our organi­za­tional affil­i­ates are repre­sented in the WSNA General Assembly, have a voting seat on the Profes­sional Nursing and Health Care Council, and are entitled to submit the names of quali­fied regis­tered nurse repre­sen­ta­tives for appoint­ment to ad hoc groups and task forces.

School Nurse Organization of Washington (SNOW)

SNOW supports school nurses in the delivery of health services designed to improve the health and academic success of students.

Mary Mahoney Professional Nurses Organization

MMPNO’s mission is to provide finan­cial aid and schol­ar­ships to students of African heritage who pursue studies leading to careers in profes­sional nursing.

ARNPs United of Washington State

ARNPs United is a non-profit organi­za­tion dedicated to promoting ARNP practice by coordi­nating legisla­tive, educa­tional, and networking activ­i­ties of Nurse Practi­tioners throughout Washington state.

Pacific-Northwest Chinese Nurses Association

PCNA’s aim is to estab­lish a platform for members to make connec­tions and exchange career resources with one another. Their mission is to diver­sify the future nursing workforce with the hope of improving minority health status.